Welcome to Brazil!

Bem vindo ao Brasil. This means “Welcome to Brazil.”  These were the first words we saw when we steeped off of our eight hour flight to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and boy, was it refreshing. Our first day in Rio consisted of checking into our hotel rooms, getting acclimated to our new home for the…


Philippians 4:19 says, “MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” And supply he has!  Thank to everyone who yielded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to contribute to this amazing drive for the people of Rio de Janeiro.  Our hearts are as full and overflowing as these bags! …

Prayers for Rio

Some have inquired how they can pray for us while we are in Brazil so we have compiled this list so that you can touch and agree with us that God’s will be done! These are two scriptures we are claiming for the team and trip to Rio: “I took you from the ends of the…

A Word from BW

Time is drawing near to depart for Rio.  Passports and visas are in hand.  Players have finished summer school and summer camps.  All are now with family until August 1st when we gather for a final meeting time and instructions for a trip to the airport and our overnight journey to Brazil.  Coaches are spending…

Preparations are Underway!

The Belmont Women’s Basketball team took a small break from their busy summer workout schedule to come together and begin their mental and spiritual preparations for their mission trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August. The meeting took place at the home of the Lanny and Brenda Holmes. The couple has been long-time supporters…