Kenya 2017

First Taste of Nakuru

Day 4: By Ellie

After 4 days of travel, we made it. The route to Nakuru, Kenya entailed a few broken airplanes, a walk through the streets of Amsterdam, roadside packs of wild zebras and baboons, as well as many bumpy roads. But, our first day in Nakuru proved that the wait was well worth it.


After settling into our rooms, we took a trip into the city center to take care of some necessities before embarking on the short walk to the climactic part of the day: Satellite 58. Satellite 58 is one of 3 group homes run by Streets of Hope, which takes in boys who are homeless, helpless and in need of reformation in order to give them hope for the future.


After meeting the team of staff at Satellite 58, the home was soon filled with boys of all ages 6-15. Immediately a game of Fútbol was set into motion. For hours we all played (or attempted to play) soccer with the boys despite the rain that continued to fall from time to time. Mud was everywhere, but that didn’t stop the game in the slightest. As more and more boys arrived home after their daily activities, the game grew larger and larger. After the sun set the game came to a close.


We were invited inside with the boys to take part in a nightly devotional. Two boys stepped up and the group stood to their feet as a time of worship began. The room filled with lots of voices, clapping, and bright smiles as the boys sang loudly and joyfully to the Lord. What an experience it was to be a part of such a demonstration of fellowship.
If you thought the night was over, think again. A group of the boys walked us all the way back to our hotel despite the darkness and the muddy streets. If that isn’t first-class hospitality, I don’t know what is.


We got a taste of Nakuru and the Boys at Satellite 58 today. We can’t wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!