Belize 2019

Belize with the children

This is Haley Poynter here, the last few days have been jam packed but full of such unique little moments that I believe everyone has experienced. We have worked with children every day, playing various sports with them. They loved soccer, track, and volleyball, but most surprisingly they LOVED a game called “tails.” We tuck a sock in our shorts and try to steal other people’s socks while protecting our own. Would never have guessed that this would be the game of the week but hey, the kids love it.
Speaking of the kids, something that has really struck me is their overflowing love and intentionality. They are so thankful for every second we get to spend with them and the friendship that develops from that. Even though it is only for a week, these kids trust us like we’re their best friends. I’ve never seen anything like it.
What also has amazed me is the beauty of the nature around us. The trees and grass are so lush and full, the sun is bright and lively, and the blues of the river have a hint of turquoise that I have never seen before and honestly never thought I would see in my life. It’s a beauty that is impossible to ignore or overlook and it takes my breath away constantly.
The past few days have made me feel like I’ve been going 1,000 mph, constantly pouring into the community around me and the people I’m here with. Although this has been so joyful and rewarding, I’m also looking forward to the rest we will receive from slowing down these next two days.
I want to cherish every moment I have for the rest of this trip because I know it’s a once in a life time experience. I also want to be present. It’s easy for me to get caught up in “what I’m supposed to learn,” feeling like I have to accomplish something or at least be working towards it. But it can also take away from the freedom of living in the “now.” As we have focused on during soccer season, “winning the moment” is what my goal is for the remainder of my time here in Belize.

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