April’s resource, and the final Resource of the Month for the 2018-2019 academic year, is found in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL). The article, Introducing and Evaluating a “Study Smarter, Not Harder” Study Tips Presentation Offered to Incoming Students at a Four-Year University, was written by Tara T. Lineweaver, Amanda …
Category: Resource of the Month
Resource of the Month
The Resource of the Month for March is another online teaching and learning resource. The SoTL Advocate is associated with the Office of the Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University (ISU) and edited by Jennifer Friberg (Cross Endowed Chair in SoTL at ISU). The blog was created in 2014 …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, An Analysis of the Effect of Student Prepared Notecards on Exam Performance, is found in College Teaching. The article, written by Daniel M. Settlage and Jim R. Wollscheid, examines the effect of student-prepared notecards on student performance. According to its website, the journal “provides an interdisciplinary academic forum on issues in teaching …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, Students as Partners in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, is found in the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (IJ-SOTL). The essay, written by Kevin M. Bonney, examines how faculty might “engage undergraduate students in SoTL research-based learning…” According to its website, IJ-SOTL is published by the Centers …
Resource of the Month
December’s resource, Making Meaning from Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs): Seeing Beyond Our Own Horizons, is found in Teaching and Learning Inquiry (TLI). The article, written by Carina Jia Yan Zhu, Diana White, Janet Rankin, and Christina Jean Davison, examines how faculty members make sense of student evaluations. According to its website, TLI “publishes insightful …
Resource of the Month
Instead of focusing on a particular journal article this month, November’s Resource of the Month is another online teaching and learning resource. The Scholarly Teacher Blog, which is associated with the International Teaching Learning Cooperate (ITLC), invites readers to “purposefully pause, think critically, reflect on your teaching and your students’ learning.” Recent posts have focused …
Resource of the Month
October’s resource, Participatory Pedagogy: Oral History in the Service-Learning Classroom, is found in the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. The article, written by Elena Foulis , describes how using oral history as a pedagogical tool in service-learning courses can provide an opportunity for students, faculty, and community stakeholders to engage in participatory pedagogy. …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, Supporting and Mentoring New Social Work Instructors: A Formative Evaluation of the TEAM Program, is found in the Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL). The article, written by Shane R. Brady and Michael S. Spencer, provides a formative evaluation of a peer mentorship and teaching support program in a school …
Resource of the Month
The Resource of the Month series typically features a recently published SoTL article. However, in the final installment of the series in the 2017-2018 academic year, we are going to feature an online resource you can revisit any time you are considering doing SoTL research. This month’s resource is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning …
Resource of the Month
April’s resource, Digital Storytelling: A Method for Engaging Students and Increasing Cultural Competency, is found in The Journal of Effective Teaching. According to its website, the journal is “a peer reviewed electronic journal devoted to the discussion of teaching excellence in colleges and universities.” The article, written by Natalie S. Grant and Brien L. Bolin, …