Communication Studies Blog

Student-authored articles on current communication research

Category: Blog

Good Grief: A Guide to Loving Others through Loss

By: Emma Johansson Growing up, death was not something my family talked about around the dinner table. Chances are, I’m not alone in saying that. We often deem the topic to be unsuitable for casual discussion, and we avoid it. I was the same way–that is, until my senior year of high school, getting ready …

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Parental Control in the Digital Age

By: Carolyn Miller Growing up, I could not wait to one day go off to college. There were many reasons why, but one of the biggest reasons was that I would finally be free from my mom’s rules. You know exactly what I’m talking about, most people spend their entire childhood with their parents being …

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The Power of a Handshake

By: Georgia McKee You walk into a bar and get introduced to your future spouse by one of your friends. What do you do first? Shake hands. A year later, you meet her father for the first time and are about to ask for his blessing. What do you do first? Shake hands. Later down …

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What You Should Know To Avoid Deception

By: Lauren Brown While many people might like to believe that they do not lie or use deceptive behavior around friends and colleagues, I can guarantee that at some point in our lives we have all lied and been lied to. We fall victim to lies often, so wouldn’t it be nice if there were …

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The Art of Forgiveness

By: Rachel Nutter, Edited by: Renee Schroeder We’ve all been there. In the heat of the moment, it can happen to the best of us. You’ve probably gotten into a fight with a significant other and either got your feelings hurt, or you hurt theirs. After the fight is over, the thought of apologizing is …

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A Pixelated Relationship

By: McKayla Kirk, Edited by: Annelie Dahlstein My relationship with my boyfriend is built on a solid foundation of memes, deep conversations, and a common love for accompanied silence. In the six months that I knew him before starting a relationship with him, we had more conversations over Snapchat than we did in person. It …

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No Longer the Coffee Runner

By: Carolina Maggio, Edited by: Renee Schroeder “We’ll have a grande caramel macchiato, two vanilla bean frappuccinos, and one venti dark roast with two packets of Splenda.” Entertainment constantly portray interns as frantically trying to remember long, complicated Starbucks orders for everyone in the office. While interns in the movies are tasked with balancing drink …

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Tightrope: Walking as a Woman in the Workplace

By: Molly Shea, Edited by: Renee Schroeder Two narratives about women’s assertiveness in the workplace are floating around: “Women should just be more assertive” and “assertiveness is a double-edged sword for women.”  Which is it? Or is it both? What is assertiveness anyway? While it may seem like women will entirely benefit from being more …

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Return to Sender!

By: Abby Stevenson; Edited By: Renee Schroeder Throughout your life, you will inevitably be faced with difficult conversations that range from breaking up with someone, to being hired for your first job, or explaining your side in an argument. When it comes to technology, I rarely think about having these tough conversations from behind a …

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By: Anna Bliss Dean, Edited by: Renee Schroeder Posted. Now, the anxious wait for your phone screen to light up. The likes and comments of friends, offering confirmation that the photo is beautiful, creative, funny, or entertaining. This is something that we all endure every time we post a photo on Instagram. The purpose of …

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