Communication Studies Blog

Student-authored articles on current communication research

Category: Blog

Be a Man! How Masculinity Affects Fatherhood

By: Luke Litz “Don’t be a wuss.” “No balls, you won’t.” “Man up.” Growing up, I heard these phrases and others like them come from my peers to pressure me to do things. I remember multiple experiences where I was told that I needed to wrestle, play football, or perform a silly dare just to …

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The Role of Phones in Relationship Development

By: Erica Padron “Are you two dating?” “No, we just talk.” I hear about the “talking” stage in relationships all the time. In my personal experience, I have come to know that when two people are “talking” it means they are getting to know each other before becoming a couple. If you are familiar with …

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Social Anxiety: Maybe it All Really is in Our Heads?

By: Bethany West According to Dr. Thomas A. Richards from The Social Anxiety Institute, social anxiety is the often irrational “fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people.” Social anxiety makes many of us feel out of place, but our interactions are not as odd or awkward as we think, and others’ perceptions …

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How to Manage Testing Anxiety

By: Grace Brown We all tend to get a little nervous before a big interview, test, or presentation. It’s part of what makes us human. However some students feel significant anxiety before, during and even after a test. Fortunately, we can reduce this stress by recognizing the symptoms and controlling the conversation we have with …

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