Communication Studies Blog

Student-authored articles on current communication research

Category: Blog

The Impact of a Communication Course

By: Daphne Johnson How well can a college course prepare you for the real world? Can it meaningfully impact the way you think, even the way you act, in professional settings? Tel Aviv University researcher Orit Karnieli-Miller and colleagues investigated just those questions when they examined how a medical communications course affected medical students’ perceptions …

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This is Fun!

By: Mairi Collins From a baby’s first cry to a request to pass the salt, we communicate out of necessity. We need something, and so we ask for it, in one way or another. Necessity is certainly a driving force behind the impulse to communicate, and one that is universally recognized. However, research is beginning …

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Selfies and the Jealousy Effect

By: Savannah Stover “But first, lemme take a selfie.” We all know the type. Heck, who am I kidding? I am the type. Photographing people and places, imprinted memories of happy days, artistically crafted self-images, have all been a part of our lives since the invention of bread. Ok, I am being facetious, but surely …

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Self-Disclosing Stress During a Pandemic

By: Rachel Boorse I always thought I knew what my college experience was going to look like. I would attend club fairs, make friends from my in-person classes, and have girls from my hall over for movie nights. After all, college is supposed to be the best four years of your life. Enter the COVID-19 …

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Reducing Stress in the First Year of College

By: Peyton House I’m sure you have heard the saying “College will be the best time of your life.” As the youngest of three girls, I have been told this my whole life. However, college has been quite the opposite. I found myself stressing over everything from my social life to my academics, forgetting about …

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The Art of the Repeat Argument

By: MJ Gabriel They did it again.  Your significant other left their dishes in the sink for the fourth time this week, even after you repeatedly told them not to.  You let out a sigh and brace yourself for what’s coming next: it’s time to get into another argument. Repeated arguments over the same topic, …

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Focusing on the Future While Living in the Present


By: Alli Prestby From the day we are born, we are taught to start preparing for our future. Our parents are usually the driving force for this when we’re young. Putting money into a college savings account, pushing us to excel in school, teaching us life lessons — all beneficial for a variety of reasons, …

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Why Am I Not Being Heard?

By: Aubrey Knox Who knows your body better than you? Some would argue that your physician should. And others would argue that all a physician is good for is a prescription and a “Have a nice day.” When you visit your physician do you feel like you’re being heard? Or do you feel like you …

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Three Major Keys to Fight Mid-Semester Burnout!

By: Laney Deffendoll Mental, physical and emotional burnout is real. Not only is it real, but it can be extremely frustrating, debilitating and stressful. But the issue of burnout is often ignored for many reasons; whether it is the overwhelming amount of assignments due, the feeling that you are just being dramatic, or because you …

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