Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Gone

By Cameron Fish

These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. We are living in a time of anxiety, uncertainty, and disparity for students everywhere. The phrase “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” has never rung more true. The pandemic and the uproar it has caused seems unrealistic; the sudden change in routine, schedule, and location is an unexpected turn of events. For a while, I didn’t want to believe it was real; nothing seemed normal anymore. Diving into classes and starting a new normal as a student pushes us to be responsible in a way most of us never have been.

As a student-athlete, this loss of a semester has hit differently. It’s difficult to fathom. We all have put in an immense amount of hard work for our spring season and faced so much adversity within the season. As a team, we were excited and ready to make a statement in the upcoming tournaments.  All around, It’s an uneasy feeling. I know the decision was made for the greater good of our community and world, but I can’t help but feel discouraged at times thinking about what could have been.

As an athlete, however, I try to see this time as an opportunity to push myself to become a better golfer and teammate. This is a great chance to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally stronger through doubt and adversity. It gives us challenges even the golf course and classroom can’t prepare us for.

In this time of stillness, I encourage everyone to reflect, think about what can come from a positive perspective. Take this time to take care of yourself, whether that looks like embracing spiritual wellness, expressing thoughts in a journal, or exercising in the fresh air.  We can come out of this quarantine with an improved perspective and outlook on life. I hope this inspires you to count your blessings, spend quality time with family, and search for the good in whatever situation you find yourself in.

I find refuge in Matthew 6:34: “We don’t know the first thing about tomorrow. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay at home!

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