Alumni Profile: Michael Payne

Michael Payne graduated in 2020 and currently works as a Learning Coordinator for HCA Healthcare.

What was your major and minor in college?

Corporate Communications & Public Relations

Where did you intern in college?

People3 Inc & HCA Healthcare

What were your co-curricular activities in college?

IABC, Lambda Pi Eta, PRSSA, Resident Assistant, College Democrats

How did you get your current position?

I found my current position via LinkedIn. I knew I wanted to work in training and development, so I connected with several leaders in Nashville in the industry and saw one of them post about an entry level position. I messaged her and within a week I was offered the role.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I have two typical days. A training day would consist of making sure that training decks are ready, learners have necessary materials, all virtual learning materials are ready, and brining a positive attitude to the training environment. On a non-training day, I am reviewing self-paced learning content, managing asynchronous learning, and preparing for the next live sessions.

What do you like best about your job?

I love being able to help others learn a new skill and being a source for them as they enter the organization.

What advice do you have for majors and minors in communications?

Explore all your options. This degree can lead you down many paths and once you find what you like, dig into that! Also, networking is key. Every internship or post grad job I have had has been through a connection with someone. There is so much value in growing your personal network.

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