Alumni Profile: Ethan Karr

Ethan Karr graduated in 2022 and currently works as a Senior Specialist for Employee Communications & Engagement at The Walt Disney Company. The interview below is about his previous job as a

What was your major and minor in college?

  • Major: Corporate Communications | Minor: Design Communications

Where did you intern in college?

What were your co-curricular activities in college?

  • Bruin Recruiters – Event Coordinator
  • Belmont Admissions – Office Assistant
  • TT Leader
  • Belmont MOB
  • BUD Bible Study Leader
  • KAIROS – Brentwood Baptist Volunteer
  • Circle of Friends with Downs Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee (DSAMT)

How did you get your current position?

  • I got my current position via LinkedIn, followed by a horizontal move through the company from XOJET Aviation to Vista.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

  • A typical workday greatly varies for me. I can go from a photoshoot on the tarmac with our aircraft to helping design advertisements for social media to developing messaging for our global audience of 4,200+. I like it so much because it varies so often. It keeps you on your feet!

What do you like best about your job?

  • The opportunity – both to grow in my career and my faith. I never would’ve thought I could help lead professional photoshoots, develop internal messaging about partnerships with Ferrari, Four Seasons, the Monaco Yacht Show, etc. or get to travel to London and New York. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a lot of work and stressful at times, but hard work pays off. God has also been good to me and given me the opportunity to be a light for Him in an industry that badly needs it, and for that, I’m so grateful.

What advice do you have for majors and minors in communications?

  • Network, network, network. Whether it’s LinkedIn or alumni resources such as these, network. Particularly if you’re wanting to apply for roles that will gather a lot of attention and applicants, it’s even more important to know those within the company that might be able to get your CV in front of a recruiter. Don’t be afraid to use your connections for help. I, and many others, are happy to give you tips and recommendations for your resume, cover letter, or just to sit down and chat with you!

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