Poland 2019

Day 6 in Łódź – Carlee Nanney

It’s day six and we are all still thriving! We started the morning with a nice breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, we embarked on what we thought was an hour long journey to Łódź, but it turned into an hour and a half drive due to some unforeseen traffic.

We were sent to work at the same school that half of our group went to on Monday. We participated in art, sports, dance and English classes. In the sports class, we played dodgeball, tic tac toe, relay races, tails and watched Derek and Mitch do some tricks. Others in our group learned how to make origami and learned some new dances.

Once we finished classes at the school, we headed a couple blocks down the street to Solna, one of Proem ministries after school programs for children. Here, we played the Polish version of Uno, Pictionary, tic tac toe, heads down thumbs up, and many more games with the children. After the games were finished, we enjoyed some pizza with the children and other volunteers.

Once we finished dinner, we headed to the mall in Łódź. A few of us stopped at an authentic Polish chocolate store to get a few goodies. Then we walked around the city for an hour before heading to Proem’s concert.

While walking around, we encountered a sweet lady selling small bouquets of flowers, so a few of us girls purchased some. Once we got to the concert, I saw the sweetest little boy who had down’s syndrome trying to get his dad to dance with him, but he wouldn’t. Jess, Huntir and I decided to go dance with the little boy and I gave him my bouquet of flowers.

It was so heart warming to see his parents so joyful that complete strangers were happy to dance and have fun with their son. Following the concert, we headed to our bus and made the hour long trip back to our hotel in Piotrków.

We were all exhausted from our day, so once we made it back to the hotel, we all went to bed.

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