This month’s resource, Effects of Classroom Technology Policies on Students’ Perceptions of Instructors: What is Your Syllabus Saying About You?, is found in College Teaching. According to its website, the journal “provides an interdisciplinary academic forum on issues in teaching and learning at the undergraduate or graduate level.” The article, written by Jeffrey R. Stowell, …
Category: Resource of the Month
Resource of the Month
February’s resource*, Encouraging Participation in Face-to-Face Lectures: The Index Card Technique, is found in Communication Teacher. The article, written by Laura Beth Daws, explains a strategy to increase students’ verbal discussion and participation in the classroom. According to its website, the journal, which is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association, “publishes original scholarship that …
Resource of the Month
January’s resource, “I Hate Group Work!”: Addressing Students’ Concerns About Small-Group Learning, is found in InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching. According to its website, the journal, published by the Faculty Center for Innovation at Park University, “emphasizes the enhancement of post-secondary education through the professional exchange of scholarly approaches and perspectives applicable to the …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, Using a Teaching Philosophy Statement as a Professional Development Tool for Teaching Candidates, is found in the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. According to its website, the journal, published by the Centers for Teaching & Technology at Georgia Southern University, “is an international forum for research and information …
Resource of the Month
The resource for November, Keeping Students “on Their Toes and on Their Game”: Serendipitous Findings in Students’ Assessments and Reactions, is found in the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching. The article, written by Kathy L. Pelletier, examines the effects of two-minute papers and mini-quizzes on exam scores and student attendance. According to its website, …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, Flipped Learning, Flipped Satisfaction, Getting the Balance Right, is found in Teaching and Learning Inquiry (TLI). The article, written by Rosemary Fisher, Bella Ross, Richard LaFerriere, and Alex Maritz, investigates student perceptions of learning outcomes, engagement, and satisfaction in a course utilizing a technology-facilitated flipped approach. TLI is the flagship journal of …
Resource of the Month
This month’s resource, The role of SoTL in the academy: Upon the 25th anniversary of Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered, is found in the Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL). The article, by Beth Kern, Gwendolyn Mettetal, Marcia Dixson, and Robin K. Morgan, examines the connection between the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and …