Thank You, Belmont Faculty

“‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say.” – Alice Walker

November ushers in a time of intentional gratitude and signals that we pause and reflect over all that we can be grateful for right now. In my reflection, I always give thanks for those who taught me the importance of a genuine “thank you” – my father, mother, and grandmother. Each lesson built on each other: my father’s constant reminders to say, “thank you,” followed by my grandmother’s echoes/questions of if I had said, “thank you,” then my mother’s reinforcing requests to write those thank yous down in meaningful ways. All of this has helped me become a person who tries to never miss an opportunity to say, “thank you.”

For this month’s post, I gave some Belmont students an opportunity to say “thank you” to Belmont faculty. We know that students are grateful for the work we do, but these thank yous serve as tangible reminders that they see us and our work and, in these challenging times, are thinking of us in gratitude. As our lives, at work and beyond, become busier this time of year, I hope we can pause and let these thank you notes fill us with the love with which the students wrote them.

Thank You Notes from Belmont Students

Thank you to the professors of Belmont. I feel like I am always learning new information every time I go to class. They are always available for me to ask questions when I cannot understand the material or when I need help. I feel very lucky to be a part of this institution.

Thank you for your guidance and kindness throughout the semester!

 Andrea Poynter – Thank you for always being upbeat and inclusive in class. Your class is a highlight of the week. Even though it is a longer class, you make the time fly and spread everything out, so it doesn’t feel super long.

 Thank you, Dr. Wayne Barnard, for being a great professor throughout the semester. The semester has been crazy because of online classes and lab cancellations, but we know you did your best.

 The professors at Belmont are some of the most genuine people I’ve met! They all truly care about our well-being, both in and outside of the classroom, and do all they can to ensure it.

 Thank you for all you do for us and always being there to help us in any way we need.

 I would like to thank Professor Jay Gilmore for his commitment to caring for his students, both in and outside the classroom. Professor Gilmore always checks in on his students whenever we miss a class, asks us about our weekend plans every Friday, and always stops to say hello when he sees one of his students around campus. I have been very privileged to be one of his students this semester!

 I thank all of the professors that I have had this semester, because they have helped me to think critically in the world. As a college student the classes I am taking have helped me be aware of everything around me.

 I really appreciate the transition from online to in-person. I know some things are more efficient and convenient online, but thank you for understanding and believing in the importance of human interaction. I couldn’t do another year like last year. Thank you for making a difference.

 Thank you, Professor Shaw, for being one of the best teachers I’ve ever had!! I appreciate you for treating us like adults and trusting us enough to have deep conversations without shying away from important topics. You created a wonderful class environment where we all really respect each other and we’re not afraid to offer up our opinion. I’ve learned so much about how to critically but respectfully listen to information and other people’s viewpoints, and how my own experiences affect my way of looking at the world. I also just really appreciate how kind you always are and understanding of our struggles as students/young adults. I always feel respected and seen in your class. I’m going to use the things I learned for the rest of my life and I’m endlessly grateful for the time and effort you put into making this class as helpful and meaningful as it was. You’re amazing!!! Thank you!!!

 Thank you to Dr. Stepnick for being a wonderful teacher and kind person! Your passion for sociology is contagious, and it makes class even more engaging. I always appreciate how collaborative class is and how you encourage us to share our ideas without being afraid of making mistakes. I also really appreciate how much you clearly care about us and how understanding you are, always making sure we’re not too stressed out or struggling with anything. I feel very supported and encouraged in your class, and I just want you to know how appreciated your kindness is by all of us. Thank you for making sociology my favorite subject!! You rock!! 🙂

Thanks for all the work you do. Last year was rough and everyone is still adjusting. You have been patient with us, and we can’t thank you enough for it.

 Thank you to the songwriting professors for being so kind and helpful!

 Dr. MarQo Patton, thank you for seeing potential in me and your other students. You have a love for others that is so drastically underrated! Your style, expertise and humor are second to none! May you stumble upon many blessings and opportunities in the future!

Many thanks to the students who took the time to pause, reflect, and say, “thank you!”

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