April’s resource, and the final Resource of the Month for the 2018-2019 academic year, is found in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL). The article, Introducing and Evaluating a “Study Smarter, Not Harder” Study Tips Presentation Offered to Incoming Students at a Four-Year University, was written by Tara T. Lineweaver, Amanda C.G. Hall, Diana Hilycord, and Sarah E. Vitelli of Butler University. According to its website, JoSoTL “aims to address contemporary issues bridging teaching and learning in higher education, philosophical approaches to teaching, current research, and praxis.”
The purpose of the Resource of the Month is twofold:
1) To encourage the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) by providing examples of high-quality research.
2) To provide faculty with innovative ideas that promote effective pedagogy.