Welcome Back

Greetings from the Teaching Center! We hope that summer provided you with plenty of opportunities for rest and rejuvenation. Since our last blog post, the Teaching Center has been busy. For example, over the summer, almost 70 faculty and staff participated in 10 different reading groups. We also welcomed 24 first-year faculty and four faculty fellows to campus for New Faculty Orientation, and we connected our new faculty to a dozen or so mentors across campus. In addition, we hosted James Lang, the author of Small Teaching and Cheating Lessons, on campus for our Fall Faculty Workshop.

James Lang speaks on Cheating Lessons at the Fall Faculty Workshop
First-year faculty and faculty fellows pose after winning a contest at New Faculty Orientation

During the 2018-2019 school year, we will offer many opportunities to support your teaching and professional development. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions related to the Teaching Center, do not hesitate to contact Mike Pinter, Nathan Webb, Nanci Alsup, or any of the Teaching Center Advisory Board (TCAB):

Jessica Mueller (CVPA)
Sally Holt (CTCM/Honors/Library/ISGE)
Doyuen Ko (CEMB)
Amy Crook (COB)
Debbie Farringer (Law)
Elena Espiritu (CHS)
Elisa Greene (Pharmacy)
Andrea Stover (CLASS)
Steve Robinson (CSM)

We look forward to working with you and seeing you at Teaching Center events this year!