By Aliah Tayyun
In case you forgot, we are in a pandemic. This is nothing new to us and it certainly is not something that we expected. As we try to navigate the new norm as college students, there seems to be more obstacles than solutions. I know for me, as a senior, this has been the most trying semester in my college career. As we begin to adjust to our virtual reality for the long haul, here are a few tips to help keep you a little more sane than you were yesterday.
1) Time management is your friend. I know you know, but time management is key in prioritizing a busy schedule. Even if we are not physically moving from class to class, we need to be intentional in how we balance school, work, and social interactions virtually. In this new era of learning and working, we have to carve out space to become fully focused and aware of what we are doing. Distractions are everywhere, especially online, so try turning your computer or phone on “Do Not Disturb” and get back to a more manageable workload.
2) Organize your space and day. Organization is crucial in staying on top of tasks and completing assignments. But this can also span into your workspace. In the new virtual norm, most of our “workspaces” are our bedroom desks or maybe even our couches, but wherever it is, try to keep an organized space. This can help you feel more confident and intentional about how your day is going to go. It is also a little less awkward when your professor asks when you did your laundry last as they stare at the heaping pile of clothes behind you in Zoom class.
3) Breathe. This one is tricky. Life is so hard right now and there are so many factors that are contributing to our stresses: the anxieties of life, school, work, safety, friends, family and so much more. It feels like they are constantly breathing down our necks and there is no escape. The light at the end of the tunnel might seem impossible, but trust me, you will find it. Our newfound struggles can be tiresome, so find ways that can help you cope. Maybe it is cooking, reading, working out, sleeping, watching TV, talking with a friend or taking a long shower. No matter what it is, you deserve it. Do not ever feel guilty for putting your own health and needs first; it is not worth losing either of these things in the path to success.
This new era of our life might seem impossible, but we will make it to the end. Moving forward, I do not want to add any extra pressure or extra things to your list, so take or leave these tips. As we try to navigate our life in the virtual era, myself included, we must take our time and do what is best. Your efforts will soon be rewarded and just know that every day is a new day!
Aliah Tayyun is a senior public relations major and sociology minor from Nashville, TN. She is currently employed as Creative Director and Social Media Manager at Beneath The Skin Inc., a local nonprofit. If she is not working or going to school, you will most likely find her in the kitchen whipping up a new Pinterest recipe.