Category: Featured

Lessons in PR & Spirituality

By Caroline Bougher

When I imagined myself graduating college, I envisioned landing a dream public relations job in Washington D.C., living in an apartment in the city and applying the knowledge I’ve learned over the past four years into the start of my career. Unfortunately like everyone else, COVID-19 drastically changed these circumstances. Instead, I was forced to finish my degree and internship at Delight Ministries from home, and begin a long season of applying for jobs and waiting.

I became saved during my senior year of high school and college led me to grow even closer to God. However I have always struggled with putting God first in my life. Spending time in prayer and in the Bible was always something in the back burner of my brain. Once I moved back home, I knew quarantine was going to be a tough and transformative season, and made it a priority to grow closer to the Lord and put Him first. I set up a corner in my room as my “prayer corner” and dove into devotionals each morning. I began to enjoy the stillness of the season and wanted to help others find the peace during a crazy time.

During college I had written a blog that discussed my faith, advice and trials I went through, and published a devotional story for Delight Ministries. Many people had come up to me and told me these stories have affected them in some way, that I wanted to grow my blog even further and help others during this season. 

During quarantine, I decided to create an Instagram page, @createdbycare_, that encouraged college and young adult women that they are cared for by Christ and have a purpose. I started off by creating graphics on InDesign with motivational words and scripture aimed at bringing people closer to God. I ended up writing a few more blog posts, created a Pinterest account, and an Etsy page where I sold mugs that said “created for a purpose”! 

However, over time I felt burned out. I had put in so much effort and wasn’t getting as many results as I had hoped for. I fell into the bad habit of spending time in my prayer corner with God and posting about what I had read that day. I was comparing myself to other Christian bloggers and was only posting to get content posted. My heart wasn’t in it anymore and I abruptly took a break from my account.

 While I’m not completely done with @createdbycare_, I’ve learned that it takes time to effectively grow a brand. Even though I was using the tactics I learned in my public relations classes, I wasn’t seeing overnight growth and felt burned out. Ultimately I think it’s because I was doing what I thought other people wanted and was trying to grow it as fast as I could, instead of figuring out what I wanted my brand to look like. 

There are millions of opinions out there telling you what to do, but if you aren’t loving the work you’re doing you won’t feel fulfilled and can’t help others. While I’ve stepped back and shifted my focus to applying for PR jobs, I plan to return to @createdbycare_ stronger than ever with a refreshed vision and mindset to create a community where we grow with The Lord together.

Caroline Baugher is a 2020 graduate of Belmont University, where she studied both public relations and journalism. She originally hails from the great state of Virginia, and she has a strong passion for women’s ministry. She is a published blogger and has contributed to devotionals for Delight Ministries. 

A COVID-19 Gap Year

By Evan Dorian

I’m Evan Dorian, a Belmont student who’s taking a gap year during the 2020-2021 school year. There’s nothing that hasn’t already been said about how “unprecedented” the events of this year have been, so I’ll save all of that and instead talk a little about the pros of taking a gap year during a pandemic.

I like to think that I’m relatively aware of the potential fallout of the coronavirus pandemic as it relates to my college experience, so when we were sent home from Belmont in March, I was pretty sure that would be the last time I’d be on campus for quite some time. And while many students were eagerly preparing to return to campus in the fall with everything “back to normal” I came to realize that that was an impossibility.

I truly respect the dedication of the thousands of Belmont students who returned to campus and have been playing their part in ensuring a safe experience for the others who did. But I instead elected to stay at home this semester, and almost assuredly the spring semester as well, for my own sake as well as the sake of my higher-risk parents.

While many students across the world have decided to stay home but enroll in a full slate of online classes, I couldn’t bring myself to give up a whole semester’s worth of my Belmont experience while I stay at home, or even to go to campus and subject myself to the risks associated with doing so. I valued the experiences of my first year at Belmont too much to miss out on the many aspects of the college experience that are not socially distant and are better without masks and risk of infection.

I’m privileged enough to be able to essentially put the rest of my Belmont experience on hold. I don’t feel like I’m abandoning Belmont by any means, but rather saving the rest of my time there for when the time is right. In the meantime, I do have some idea of how to make the most of my year off. I won’t be hiking through Europe or sampling Southeast Asian cuisine, but I will be making connections and developing skills that can help me regain my footing in the educational and professional world when I return to it.

I started a blog called “Mind the Gap” to chronicle my gap year, but it took a little bit of a different shape than I expected it to, and I think I’ll be changing it even more in the future. I was skeptical that Belmont students would be returning to campus at all, so I was operating on the expectation that it could serve as a means of helping the student body feel unified over social media while they were apart. I think it did for a time, but now that students are actually on campus, I think the blog would be better served by content that’s relevant to just me – I’m okay with giving myself the spotlight sometimes!

What I hope to do with my gap year is what may very well fill the blog – and while I’ve got two online classes to worry about, I have an idea of what I want my next big personal project to be. Any public relations major will tell you that networking is key, and I personally love networking. While I miss the in-person aspect of networking, it’s easy (sometimes surprisingly so) to get a hold of people with whom you want to connect. As a sports fan interested in public relations, social media management and communication in general, a dream job of mine would be to work in PR and/or social media for a professional sports team. The return of the NBA season and a desire to network inspired me to put together a comprehensive list of as many people I could find in the PR and social media departments of the 30 NBA teams so I can “cold call” them over the course of the next few months.

I dipped my toe into networking earlier in the summer when a friend and I reached out to some sports journalists and broadcasters, but I feel more confident now than ever before that PR is where I’m most comfortable and successful, so I’d like to embark on a networking project that supports my goal of becoming a better PR student.

It’ll be a difficult experience waiting out the next year before I hope to return to Belmont in person, vaccinated against COVID-19, but I’m hopeful about what I can accomplish in the interim.


Evan Dorian Belmont student who, you guessed it, is taking a gap year right now. He’s completed his freshman year and is taking a handful of credit hours over the next two semesters to maintain enrollment. Evan is a proud PR major, and one of the directors of Tower Creative Communications, Belmont’s student-run firm. He’s a fan of basketball, jigsaw puzzles and basketball jigsaw puzzles.

Welcome to Zoom University!

By Noelle Peters

Welcome to Zoom Belmont University’s class of 2024! As this was not what anyone could have predicted the year to be, I would have never in a million years imagined to be starting my college freshman year off through a screen while I was still home in the midwest. However, I am glad to have started this crazy journey at Belmont University, even if it started with a worldwide pandemic outbreak.

They say what makes the school atmosphere lively and bright are the students, but I believe that all the staff justly deserve some of that appreciation as well! I have not even been a college student for even a month, yet I have never felt an enormous amount of belonging, than what I have experienced through Belmont. First, the dedication of all the staff deserves a round of applause. Whether it is the late nights or early mornings, the staff have spent an enormous amount of time planning every last detail to make each student still feel a sense of welcomeness, even if it is through a screen. Even though completing college from a Zoom account is not ideal for anyone, I have loved how professors have been creating breakout sessions to connect the class, so that we can learn more about each other while still being engaged with the lesson. For example, in my Public Relations Principles course, we have already been broken into several weekly breakout sessions to discuss the lesson and how it applies within an organization. With Belmont offering this course to freshmen, I am already able to be exposed and aware of what makes a strategic and dedicated public relations practitioner. I always leave this class in awe and amazement from all that I have learned in such a short amount of time! I have no doubt that with the help of all the PR professors at Belmont and the community of Nashville, I am able to learn how to become the best practitioner that I can.

One of my biggest worries with staying digital for the fall semester, was that I wouldn’t be able to meet new friends through a screen, but I was proven wrong! The Belmont students that I have met are from all around the country, and they all share an eagerness to get to know each other. This eagerness makes me even more excited to one day move on campus and meet all of them in person! This is one of the many numerous reasons why I chose to call Belmont University my home for the next four years. It continues to be a safe, loving, Christian atmosphere for all, and it’s filled with students and staff that are supportive and encouraging. By motivating each student to find who they are and why God placed them on this earth, Belmont has helped students feel a sense of belonging and purpose in this world. 

I could dwell on the negatives of not being able to experience the “normal” college start of a freshman student, but instead I continue to choose to think positive and think of all that Belmont has given me already. I have already been greeted with welcomed arms from my Towering Traditions group, created several strong friendships, have introduced myself to all my professors and all of that has been completed through a digital screen! My heart already feels a sense of joy as I look ahead at all the opportunities that Belmont offers their students and the guidance that is given to us by the outstanding staff members. Therefore, as I start this journey I am already reminded of the great future that is ahead for me. I may be 435 miles away, but Belmont University has made me feel even closer than that!

Noelle Peters is a freshman public relations major from Illinois. Beginning her freshmen curriculum online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she will be a member of Belmont’s class of 2024. Noelle holds a great amount of love for her friends, family and faith, and she is both excited and optimistic about the opportunities Belmont University has to offer her.

3 Things I Have Learned Working as a Social Media Assistant

By Olivia Blumb

If you find yourself in a similar situation as me, you may have found yourself working as a social media assistant, without much experience in social media. For the last five months, I have had to revive a company’s social media platforms. Though our main focus is Instagram, we have also had to plan for other platforms such as Facebook, since one of our largest target audience’s is known to use Facebook more. 

Throughout the last few months, I have learned what to do and what not to do on social media through trial and error. Trial and error taught me things that I couldn’t have learned in a textbook, I had to experience it for myself. The following points are things I would recommend to a social media newbie, like myself, who is managing someone else’s socials. 

  1. Know which platforms your audience uses. It is key to know where your audience will find your content. If they are in a younger generation, Instagram is probably where you should post. If they are an older generation, I recommend using Facebook. That said, use multiple platforms to reach more people! When creating your content, plan for it to be used on multiple platforms, and choose a design that can be formatted to fit on each one. 
  2. Plan your content ahead of time! Before, managing a company’s social media, I never really put in any thought about planning content weeks in advance. As I manage this social media account with two others, it is important for us to plan ahead. I write copy and create graphics so each post can be approved prior to when it needs to be posted. Since I work in collaboration with 2 others, we use a Google Sheets, where each block is a post and is color coded.
  3. Be consistent. Being consistent doesn’t mean you have to post 24/7. To me, it means keep your messaging consistent in all of your posts. In my company, we are always trying to initiate bookings, so every post has call to action line that says, “DM us or visit our website to book now.” Even if your post doesn’t have a call to action, incorporate your brand’s message into the copy. 

All that said, I still learn new things each day while I manage this company’s social media. My main advice is to keep experimenting – try different tactics, learn from others, research. Each of these things will be helpful in learning how to effectively manage a social media platform. 

Olivia Blumb, a Green Bay, Wisconsin native, is a public relations major and corporate communications minor in Belmont University’s Class of 2022. Blumb is involved on campus in her sorority Alpha Sigma Tau and PRSSA. Blumb has been a PRSSA member since her freshman year and now serves as the Chapter President for the 2020-21 academic year. This post was originally published on her personal blog.

4 Things to Consider When Going “From Here to Anywhere”

By Lucy Walsh and Marisa Davis

While the beloved Belmont adage of “from here to anywhere” inspires adventure and curiosity of post-grad life, sometimes this message can seem easier said than done. Logistics can be tricky, sometimes the stars don’t align and adulting can be hard. However, with enough confidence and planning, Belmont PR grads can successfully make the leap from being a student of the classroom to a student of the world. To learn more about a recent alum who did just this, the PR at Belmont blog interviewed Marisa Davis, a 2020 public relations alumna who recently relocated to New York City.

What are some professional considerations to take into place when considering a cross country move? How do you think about making the jump?

I know something that people had told me was that “It’s harder to get a job somewhere else if you’re not living there, since companies don’t want to wait for you to relocate.” I’ve heard that it’s easier to at least have an address of where you’re wanting to move so you have an address for your resume. It can play a big part in  getting considered for new jobs.

Also for me, the dance industry specifically is small in a lot of cities with only one or two companies that would have a PR or communications employee. New York definitely has the most opportunity and arts organizations that would have a big enough team and budget. So, even though my post-grad internship isn’t in performing arts right now, I’m still gaining the skills to get to do that and apply them eventually to my industry, and I’m here in case anything in my area pops up. It would give me a leg up on people located in other parts of the country.

From a social standpoint both personally and professionally, what should people know about branching out to a new city where they might not know as many people?

I moved here with people from Belmont, and one of which I have been friends with since freshman year! That was a pretty easy built in friendship base. I think that I also have enough acquaintances from past experiences that I can hopefully form friendships, which is a good skill wherever you go. With a city like New York, it can be a hard city to meet people since a lot of people are doing their own thing and have a mindset of minding their own business. But, I do think that a lot of offices have a good culture of being open to having relationships and friendships forming within and anywhere they can. You just have to be open to that.

What were logistical things that people might not take into consideration until they’re in the midst of their move? How can people make something as daunting as packing up their entire life as easy as possible?

I feel like my experience was so different since it happened so quickly. I got an apartment and an internship and moved up here within two weeks, and COVID-19 precautions on top of that was interesting as well. Because I did Belmont East I had flown up here with only the essentials, and that was helpful in knowing what I absolutely needed and what could wait for now. Living pretty minimally and knowing what you want takes care of all of the big stuff. Having your own frame of reference is so helpful in any context. Even though it did happen so quickly, I knew that it was something that I wanted to happen and that I could reasonably do.

What would you say to someone who has a dream location but is afraid to take the next step? How can you take some of the anxiety out of this life change?

It was definitely scary for sure. COVID-19 made it more scary, but it was less scary for me since I had already lived in New York through Belmont East. Having friends and people behind you who support you definitely helps! There are so many Belmont connections, and I feel like alumni are all over. They can be so helpful as both friends and colleagues, but you have to do the work to reach out. I know that Belmont alumni have Facebook pages and mixers, so taking the time to go to those is definitely important as well!

Marisa Davis is a 2020 graduate of Belmont University, where she studied both public relations and dance. After completing two internships in New York City as a member of the fall 2019 Belmont East cohort, she has recently moved back to the city that never sleeps. She loves the performing arts, University of Tennessee football and chai tea.

Debate 2020: Bringing Current Events into the Classroom

By Lucy Walsh

Belmont University announced their plans to host a 2020 presidential debate in November of 2019, and students have been clambering to get involved from the get go. While hosting an event of this stature is always an honor and a marker of a successful institution, in some ways this privilege is old hat for Belmont, as they first hosted a town hall style debate in the Curb Event Center between then Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain in 2008. However, reprising this unique opportunity 12 years later continues to usher in new opportunities for current students to volunteer at the nationally broadcasted event, civically engage and and experience their own piece of history. 


While Debate 2020 will only physically impact Belmont’s campus during the week of October 22nd, semester-long activities allow both the student body and Nashville community the opportunity to gear up for the 2020 election cycle through Well Core programming and an altered course catalogue that includes three presidential debate related courses. Belmont’s Department of Public Relations is offering an elective course entitled “PR in Action: Debate 2020,” while the neighboring Department of Media Studies is sponsoring both a “Watergate and All the President’s Men” and “Democracy and Media” courses. As a senior public relations major with a minor in publishing, I have had the opportunity to take two out of three of this semester’s “Debate 2020” related classes, and it has completely opened my eyes to the extent communicators of all disciplines relate to both presidential debates and the presidency as a whole! 


“PR in Action: Debate 2020” is taught by associate professor Dr. Sharee Broussard, who formulated the course as an opportunity for undergraduate public relations students to formulate academic research papers and public relations case studies surrounding Belmont University’s involvement with the debate. Taking a unique perspective as the host university has been an unusual view, as compared to the typical scrutiny of the candidates and participating political parties. However, taking the time to view an event like this at a community and institutional level allows for a greater and more focused look at how the RPIE methodology can apply to public relations activities in all stages of debate preparation. Professionals from Belmont’s Office of Communications, Campus Sonar and FleishmanHillard’s New York and Washington D.C. offices have served as guest speakers to provide supplemental commentary on the “Debate 2020” season, which has made all the difference in helping us look at the debate from an outside perspective. 


Meanwhile, I’m dually enrolled in the “Watergate and All the President’s Men” elective, which I was inspired to take after seeing Bob Woodward speak at the 2019 Public Relations Society of America conference! Taught by Professor Sara Wigal, a public relations professional and Director of Publishing within the Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business, this course takes a detailed view of how the Watergate scandal role in shaping precedent of  executive privilege, investigative journalism and America’s understanding of the news media. 

Belmont’s debate theme “Ideas of America” comes to life through these unique classroom experiences and the full lineup of educational events open to students and the public. From curriculum changes to student volunteer opportunities, public relations students at Belmont truly have the opportunity of a lifetime to experience a “from here to anywhere” style event right on our own campus. For more information on the Belmont 2020 presidential debate, visit


Lucy Walsh is a senior public relations and publishing student from Evansville, Indiana. Alongside her duties as the editor of the PR at Belmont blog, she is an active executive board member of Belmont PRSSA and Belmont Ambassadors. She can typically be found listening to the full discography of Taylor Swift, walking Belmont Blvd. or writing snail mail to her friends and family.

Belmont Students Win Big at Parthenon Awards

By Dr. Bonnie Riechert

Five Belmont students were among honorees at the 2020 Parthenon Awards event sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America Nashville Chapter. The event was held virtually, as a Facebook live event Aug. 31 on

A team of four students from Public Relations Campaigns service-learning class in fall 2019 received a Parthenon Award, student category. Honored for their campaign, “Unlocked: Jewelry with a Purpose,” were Ladara Lucas (Class of 2019) and seniors Madeline DiMauro, Emily Stembridge and Aliah Tayyun.

Chandi Morar received an Award of Merit for her research project, “Marketing/Communications and Emerging Technologies,” completed in Public Relations Research class.

Area professionals in public relations and communications also were honored by award presentations. PRSA is the nation’s leading professional organization serving the communications community, with more than 30,000 professional and student members. The Nashville Chapter sponsors five student chapters of Public Relations Student Society of America, including Belmont PRSSA.

Alumni Spotlight: Claire Anderson


Claire Anderson, 2019 graduate of Belmont University


Claire Anderson is from Olympia, WA. She moved to Nashville four years ago to attend Belmont University, where she majored in public relations and minored in history. In Anderson’s free time, she enjoys baking, watching old movies and going for walks around Nashville. One of her favorite places in Nashville is the Green Hills Public Library, where she searches for her next book to read!

Anderson graduated from Belmont University in 2019,  where she was a student writer and temporary communications assistant in the university’s Office of Communications. She also completed an internship at the Andrews Agency. Anderson was active in PRSSA, Kappa Alpha Theta and Bruin Recruiters. In 2019, she received the Department of Public Relations Academic Achievement Award for having the highest GPA of all the public relations majors graduating that academic year.

Anderson has recently accepted a position at DVL Seigenthaler, which is associated with Finn Partners. Anderson is their newest account coordinator, which allows her to work with clients such as Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Avalere and Waller and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Anderson was initially drawn to DVL Seigenthaler by witnessing several mentors that she admired who worked there.

DVL Seigenthaler is a public relations firm that serves local, national, and international customers. The firm is based in Nashville, TN and is one of the largest communications agencies in the southeast.

Why consider graduate school

On Feb. 19 Belmont’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter hosted a panel discussion about the benefits of attending graduate school. Professional panelists included Anna Kate Tefft Ross of MP&F Strategic Communications, Erin Mercer of Jackson National Life Insurance and Hope Cooper Buckner of DVL Seigenthaler. For two years, Buckner has taught the Nonprofit Public Relations & Development class at Belmont.

The speakers discussed their personal experiences with attending grad school, explaining that it is an experience meant to enrich students’ education experiences in a new type of setting. According to the speakers, graduate school is an opportunity to experience education rather than just absorbing it. It is a course of study intended for people of all ages and all interests, so those who do enroll in graduate programs can apply real-world knowledge from their career paths to what they learn in their classes.

“I’ve had a wonderful experience in grad school,” Ross said. “As a working professional with 15 years of experience, my MBA coursework has given me new tools to do my job well.”

Considering the opportunities available to graduate students the speakers mentioned diverse perspectives in class, networking opportunities and the chance to write an extensive thesis. A graduate degree can be a worthwhile investment for some students. Ross touched on how she had “met some amazing students and professors throughout this experience.” She is so glad she “took the plunge.”

The speakers wanted the audience to remember, however, that whether graduate school ought to be considered varies from student to student. Students should consider all available options and assess whether graduate school is right for them.

Written by Evan Dorian
Edited by Olivia Toliver, Catie VanStratum, Jade Faber, Megan Montgomery

Internship Opportunity: The Andrews Agency

The Andrews Agency is looking for a bright, eager, rock star student or recent graduate to join our team for the semester as an intern. Responsibilities include public relations planning support, event support, social media content creation and scheduling, writing assignments, building and updating media lists, research projects, and various administrative and organizational tasks.


Their ideal candidate would possess strong writing skills, have the ability to manage multiple tasks with attention to detail and be a team player. The position is ideal for a junior or senior majoring in marketing, communication, public relations or media, or a recent graduate of a related field. Previous internship experience, as well as proficiency in graphic design, is helpful but not required.


The position is unpaid, but will provide meaningful experiences and relationships for an individual interested in pursuing a career in public relations or communications. They are willing to provide the documentation needed in order to receive course credit.

About the Staff and Clients

The Andrews Agency is a full-service public relations and marketing firm located on Music Row in Nashville, Tenn. We are a small and mighty staff that works in a fast-paced, dynamic setting to provide our clients with exceptional results. Some of our current clients include Iroquois Steeplechase, The Lipman Group, Messer Construction, Carnton Plantation, Carter House, The Palm and Bavarian Bierhaus. For more information about The Andrews Agency, visit

Contact Information and Application Procedure

Interested applicants should send a resume, relevant writing samples, three references and semester availability/preferred work schedule to Please, no phone calls.

About The Andrews Agency

The Andrews Agency is a full-service public relations, marketing and event management firm. Founded in 1990, our goal is to develop and execute the needs of our clients. The synergy of the company comes from a true understanding of the public relations business and how it interfaces with a variety of clients from retail to restaurants and entertainment to non-profit. Our services include content creation, media relations, website planning, community relations, strategic partnerships, marketing, consultation, event planning, social media strategy and graphic design.