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Political Science Major with a Passion For Social Media

I’ve been interested in social media for as long as I can remember it existing. I was right on the edge of the first group of “YouTube Kids,” the group of people that helped skyrocket people like Bethany Mota and Shane Dawson to internet fame. This was really the first introduction of influencers, and instantly I was hooked. I remember the day I got Instagram and Twitter, and Facebook (in that order). A product of my generation, I watched influencer and digital marketing grow into what they are now firsthand.

As a political science major, I began to seek ways to connect my personal passion for politics and my interest in social media. This led me to a Nashville-based political consulting firm for 18 months during my sophomore and junior years of college. I learned a ton in that job and added social media management as a minor at Belmont University. I’ve pivoted away from the political sphere in recent months and am now trying my hand in the world of Digital Marketing for the music industry. I love the creativity and drive behind the entertainment industry and combining that with my knowledge and passion for helping people share their message through social media has been a dream.

A few months ago, my dad sent me an article titled “Social-Media Manager, the Most Millennial Job, Comes of Age,” it spurred a conversation that I will probably graduate and get a job that didn’t exist when I was born. This is one of the things that has always fascinated me about social media, something that is now considered an integral part of the marketing and PR strategy for every major brand that wasn’t even on their radar 20 years ago. We’ve gone from having to beg companies to open social media accounts to teams dedicated to staying on top of the latest trends for a chance to go viral. This is a fast-paced and ever-changing career and industry, and I can’t wait to see how it teaches and shapes me over my career.

As far as my aspirations, I have one: helping people share their messages through digital platforms. At my core, I am a people person. After 21 years of being a people person, I’ve learned that everyone has a story and a message they want to share with the world, and there are many, many people who aren’t comfortable or knowledgeable enough to do that. Social media breaks down all of those traditional barriers; anyone can have a platform and share a message. I hope that with my career in digital and whatever may come after, I can use my understanding of these platforms to help people share their message with the world. That is what fills me up. That is why I’m excited about the future of digital.


by Maddie Sebestyen

*This post was originally posted to Maddie’s personal blog which can be found here

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