LPH Hosts Fall COM 1100 Speech Contest

On Thursday, November 9th, Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) hosted the semiannual COM 1100 Speech Contest. Professor Denise Corr organized the event that counted for Intellectual Wellness WELLCore credit.

Earlier in the semester, COM 1100 instructors selected students from their classes to present in a semi-final round. From that round, six students advanced to the final round held in the Ayers Conference Room.

Kaleb Cruz | ‘I’ll Write This Speech Tomorrow’ 

Grace Stafford |‘Rise of the Pickler’ 

Tabitha Reading | ‘Mushroom Leather’ 

Lydia Alvarnaz | ‘Psychedelic Mushroom’s Role in Treating Mood Disorders’ 

Nicole McColley | ‘Love: A Feeling, an Emotion, an Adventure’ 

Reiley Kramer | ‘The American Teacher Shortage’ 

Lambda Pi Eta Vice President, Jasmine Pettus, served as Master of Ceremonies for the event. LPH members, Olivia Williams, Charlotte Harrison, and Olivia Crimivaroli judged semi-final rounds.

Speech & Debate Team members Ryleigh Green, Alisa Osborn, and Sara Ali judged the final round

Lydia Alvarnaz placed first, Reiley Kramer placed second and Nicole McColley placed third.

If you missed the contest, you can go view the speeches here: youtube.com/belmontspeechlab.

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