What Can I Do with a COM Major?

The Communication Studies and Corporate Communication majors are intentionally broad and provide a good base from which to specialize as you move on in your college career.

What can I do with a Communication Studies Major?

The Communication Studies major involves broad, theoretical study of rhetorical and interpersonal communication.  Students pursuing graduate studies in law, education, ministry, and communication often choose this major. When paired with the right double major or minor, the Communication Studies major can prepare students for a wide range of fields including:

  • Non-Profit Management
  • Marketing
  • Law
  • Education
  • Event Planning
  • Ministry
  • Corporate Communication
  • Human Resources
  • Management

What can I do with a Corporate Communication Major?

Corporate Communication broadly includes the communication strategies organizations use to build relationships with key stakeholders and thrive. Corporate communication includes both external communication (e.g., image, reputation management, corporate strategy, crisis communication) and internal levels of communication (e.g., organizational training, employee relations, leadership, and organizational change management). Our Corporate Communication major at Belmont focuses on training students broadly in professional speaking and writing, critical analysis, organizational messaging and strategy, and interpersonal effectiveness. Our alumni have found careers in:

  • Corporate Communications Director
  • Non-Profit Management
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media Management
  • Recruiting
  • Event Management
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources

For more information about career options in communication, check out this excellent, comprehensive resource created by The University of Tennessee:

What Can I do with this Major?

Also, check out these additional resources:

Belmont Resources:

Rachel Walden – Belmont University Career & Professional Development Specialist for Communications

(Appointments are made through Handshake – Click on Career Center–>Appointments–>Schedule a new appointment)

Belmont University Major & Career Exploration

External Resources:

National Communication Association – Why Study Communication?

Best Jobs for Communications Majors by Salary Potential