Free for Life International Spring Internship

Free for Life International is a local nonprofit organization. They work to prevent, rescue and restore victims and survivors of human trafficking in the U.S. and around the world. Free for Life is looking for students interested in fulfilling an internship while working for a worthy cause. These opportunities can be used for course credit, and give students hands-on experience within the fast-paced world of nonprofit administration.

About Free for Life International:
Free for Life International is a small nonprofit committed to ending human trafficking
domestically and globally, supporting survivors, and meeting the needs of people
considered to be at high-risk. To learn more about the programs and the many young
women and children they have reached, visit

Internship Possibilities:
Free for Life strives to make each internship an enriching and rewarding experience by
utilizing a student’s strengths, while also providing opportunities for the student to gain
new practical skills. Each intern has unique tasks and duties, but some possible areas of
interest include:
● Fundraising
● Writing
● Office
● Donor relations
● Public outreach
● Special events

Time Frame:
Fall, Spring or Summer Semesters.
Time commitment: Approximately 12 hours per week in our Nashville office, with
occasional out-of-office research, projects or events. Free for Life is happy to work around
your school calendar.

Student Support:
➢ Free for Life will work with universities for students seeking academic credit. All
internships are unpaid. Flexibility and time commitment requirements allow
students to continue taking classes or work part-time during the internship.
➢ Interns will be provided with extensive training in human trafficking through our staff.
➢ Interns will learn practical workplace skills, as well as the daily processes of working
with a small nonprofit and its programs.

Contact Person:
Contact: Katie Thompson

Application Materials Required:
 Cover Letter
 Resume
 Writing sample that exemplifies cited research

P.O. Box 682067 * Franklin, TN 37068* 888-335-8835

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