People3 Training Internship

Research & Communications Coordinator
People3 is looking for a tech-savvy communicator, skilled in research, who is also passionate about equality, diversity/differences in all people and interested in how to expand inclusion efforts in all organizations. The intern should be knowledgeable about diversity, culture, and equality issues while also being skilled in two or more of the following areas: technology (website updates, other tech platforms), social media, research on social demographics and current social issues, blog writing, graphic design, designing presentations, etc. We are seeking individuals to help us market, grow, expand, and present a great message to grow our diversity and inclusion consulting business. Interns may be asked to assist with technology or design areas, work directly with clients, create presentations and design materials, research current social demographics or events, post to social media, brainstorm other creative ideas for curriculum development and marketing materials.

About people3, Inc.
People3, Inc. is a new and growing diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency training company. See more information on our services at People3 is a benefit corporation that provides diversity and cultural competency-centered research, consulting, and training services to small, medium, and large organizations across private, non-profit, and government sectors to facilitate inclusion. The goal of people3 is to assist organizations in the navigation of diversity and cultural differences among organization members and employees, as well as the customers or population groups they serve. People3 helps teams and organizations navigate a range of people differences, including gender, race, ethnicity, language, culture, sexuality, religion, socioeconomic status, and disabilities.

Reach Out
If interested, people3 is seeking interns for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Please email us a resume and work sample to