Lenten Devotional for Sunday, March 22

I Samuel 16:1-13, Psalms 23, Ephesians 5: 8-14, John 9:1-41

Perspective. We all have a viewpoint in how we handle situations that face us in our daily walk. Sadly, my perspective is not always what it needs to be. I regret to admit that my sinful nature gets in the way and my selfish desires will taint my perspective if I am not focused on allowing the Holy Spirit to continually direct my thoughts and actions.

God’s word constantly reminds us how to view the world from God’s broader context. Consider Samuel, appointed by God to anoint Israel’s next king when he traveled to the house of Jesse. Samuel saw the first seven sons and thought Eliab and perhaps some of the others would be whom God would choose; however, that was not the plan. God reminded Samuel that He was looking at the heart and not the outwardly appearance of what man may see (I Samuel 16:7). We are also reminded of when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9 and the perspective of the Pharisees was one of disbelief because the healing took place on the Sabbath. While they knew much about the law, did they really know God’s perspective? How easy it is to lose the right perspective when we focus only on a set of rules and not the entire spiritual perspective of a situation.

The great promise of scripture is that God wants to direct our paths in His ways (Psalm 23:3) and for us to walk in His perfect light. My prayer is to try and understand life’s situations and issues from God’s perspective and to lean on Him and not my own understanding. His word is clear that he will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

I pray that our focus will be on loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength in order to love our neighbor in the way the God intends for us to do. As we keep our eyes upon him, our path has the ultimate light and direction.

David F. Gregory, Dean

College of Pharmacy


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