Breathing As Prayer

These last few weeks have been disorienting and unsettling in many ways. With continued change, crisis, and uncertainty it is really easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed. Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and fearful are natural feelings given all that we are experiencing and how quickly things are changing. We ought to acknowledge these feelings, with both ourselves and with God. At the same time, it can be really easy to become crippled by these feelings, getting stuck and not sure how to move forward.

We want to offer a really simple practice that helps us acknowledge what we are feeling and ground ourselves in the faithful and loving presence of God.

Breath prayer is an ancient Christian practice that helps to incorporate words or phrases of prayer into your life throughout the day. Usually these prayers are said silently, but can also be said aloud or sung.

  • Close your eyes and recall the line “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Be still, calm, peaceful, open to the presence of God.
  • With your eyes closed, imagine that God is calling you by name. Imagine that God is actually asking, “(Your name) what do you want?”
  • Give God a simple and direct answer that comes honestly from your heart. Your answer may be one word such as peace or love or help. It may be several words or a phrase such as “feel your presence” or “lead me into life.”
  • Select the name that you are most comfortable using to speak with God, such as Father, Mother, Love, Jesus, or Good Shepherd. Combine it with your answer to the question God asked you. This is your prayer.
  • Breathe in the first phrase/word (generally your invocation of God’s name) and breathe out the second phrase/word (request or need). For example, “Good Shepherd, lead me into life.”

You might also try out any of the following breath prayers, from Sarah Bessey: 

(From Matthew 11:28-30)

Inhale: Humble and gentle One,

Exhale: you are rest for my soul.


(From Romans 8:38-39)

Inhale: Nothing can separate me,

Exhale: from the love of God.


(From Psalm 46:10)

Inhale: Be still

Exhale: and know you are God.


(From 1 John)

Inhale: There is no fear

Exhale: in your Love.


(From Psalm 23)

Inhale: I will not be afraid

Exhale: for You are with me.


(From Psalm 46:1)

Inhale: You are our refuge

Exhale: and our strength.


(From Philippians 4:7)

Inhale: Peace of Christ,

Exhale: guard my heart and mind.


You may consider taking five minutes to start and end your day with this practice. You can also take 30 seconds in the moment when you’re feeling anxious to breathe in and out, recognizing your breath as a prayer, a means of grounding yourself in the presence of God. Pause. Be still. Take a moment to breathe. Remember that we are loved by a God who is with us, in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty.

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