Joyce Searcy HeadshotDirector of Community Relations Joyce Searcy spends her time on Belmont’s campus and in the Nashville community, partnering with nonprofits, organizations and more on important initiatives. Sneak a glimpse into her day to day as you read “From Joyce’s Desk.”

Be It Resolved

Every year, we have the chance for a do over. Most of us resolve to lose weight, start exercising, stop smoking or get out of debt. Not bad resolutions, really.

Whatever is on your list of resolutions for this year, let me suggest one other. Do something every day for someone else – not for public acknowledgement or praise – just simply to help.

Belmont challenges our students to “lead lives of meaning and purpose” throughout their time in college and beyond. If you add performing an unsolicited act of kindness to your your list of resolution, you will (without a doubt) be the biggest beneficiary.