When we are preparing to take part in God’s mission, in whatever capacity, there is a significant amount of planning that is required. From booking flights, to learning about the culture in which you will serve, to tracking down the right kind of bug spray— it seems like there is so much that we must do ourselves.
While all this preparation is absolutely necessary in getting ready to travel somewhere, when it comes to going on mission, you must prepare your heart to be open to what the lord has for you through your service. Here are a few helpful tools for you to use in order to help you prepare your heart for the mission and service that you will take part in.
- The Spirituality of Fundraising, by Henri Nouwen, is a short read detailing how trusting God to fund your mission is a great testament to God’s faithfulness.
- The Nazareth Manifesto, by Sam Wells, looks at different approaches to service. This piece highlights the beauty in the equality of the Kingdom of God.
- The Good Missionary, by Samuel Ikua Gachagua and Claire Diaz-Ortiz, helps us look at the way we serve, why we serve, and what the outcomes are when we let God guide our service.
Spring break trips are in just a couple of months! Use the time you have before hand to prepare your heart to go alongside God in God’s great story.
If you have any questions about these resources or Belmont on Mission in general, please reach out! Be sure to follow us on social media: Instagram – @BelmontOnMission; Twitter – @BelmontOn